20 Things You Didn't Know About The Truman Show
7. The Newspaper Is The Same Age As Truman
Here's another example of the brilliant attention to detail put into this film.
In another 'blink and you'll miss it' moment, we are shown a copy of the local newspaper, The Seaside Times (a reference to where they were shooting Seahaven). The main headline is referring to the current homeless problem within Seahaven and shows an elderly man being escorted onto a waiting bus.
This in itself is a smart move by the show's producers, in order to discredit Truman's father's attempt to contact him while disguised as a homeless man. Yet that's not the only interesting feature about the local rag.
If you pause the film when the paper is shown, you can make out that this issue came out December 13th. It also shows the issue number in Roman numerals as well as in English.
"VOL. XXIX... No. 10,765"
With the newspaper being issued daily, this allowed fans to work out when the paper had started. What they found would surprise them, but makes a lot of sense. Translated into years, 10,765 days is roughly 29 and a half years, which is exactly the same age as Truman.