20 Things You Didn't Know About The Truman Show

16. The Cycle Continues

The Truman Show

Having finally figured out that his life wasn't as it seemed, Truman's time on television came to an end when he managed to escape the dome. Though, that was far from the plan when it came to the show. Had Truman not caught on, there was potential for The Truman Show to continue indefinitely.

Christof and the other studio executives had plans in place for a two-channel broadcast, one dedicated to Truman and another dedicated to his child. The concept didn't make it into the final cut; however, a deleted scene showed the deeply disturbing conversation between Christof and the other actors.

The meeting starts with Christof letting the cast know that Hannah/Meryl will not be renewing her contract and is leaving the show. Despite his wife leaving, Christof is insistent that the first on-air conception will still take place with his new love interest, Vivian.

He explains that this must run smoothly to allow the "next generation" to play out, with Truman and his offspring at the forefront. This causes Louis/Marlon to ask; "So when Truman dies, we just go back to the single channel format, right?". Christof doesn't seem to acknowledge the question, which says everything.


I'm just happy to be here