20 Things You Didn't Know About The Truman Show

15. Where The Streets Have Some Names

The Truman Show

When creating an entire fictional town from scratch, there's a lot of things that suddenly need some kind of identity. Luckily, when it came to naming the streets of Seahaven, there was an easy solution. Due to Truman not being aware of anything outside of the dome, architects had the entire world to use as inspiration.

While all the outdoor scenes were shot in the town of Seaside, Florida, the street names were all changed for the film. Eagle eyed viewers will have noticed something that links each street name together.

During the scene where Truman's car radio is acting up, a private radio channel can be heard tracking his movements.

He's heading West on Stewart... Okay, he's making a turn onto Lancaster Square.

These are not-so-subtle references to actors Patrick Stewart and Burt Lancaster. But the theme doesn't stop there. Throughout the film, it becomes obvious that each street is named after a famous actor or actress, including Drew Barrymore and Orson Welles.


I'm just happy to be here