20 Things You Didn't Know About Waterworld
4. The Budget Ballooned From $100 Million To $175 Million During Production
Waterworld's budget is a fascinating subject, given that in the early days there were discussions about it being a $5 million film produced by B-movie veteran Roger Corman.
Then production company Largo Entertainment decided to make it mid-budget, but once Kevin Costner got involved, the price tag skyrocketed hugely as Universal stepped aboard to help shoulder the increasing costs.
The budget was set at $100 million at this point, but as a result of both Universal's vision for a larger blockbuster and the various shooting issues, the film ended up soaring to an eye-wateringly expensive $175 million.
Unsurprisingly this was a record for a film being produced in 1995, and remains no less of a massively risky sum today.