20 Things You Never Knew About Star Trek: Insurrection

10. Patrick Stewart Held A Lot Of Sway On Star Trek: Insurrection

Data Insurrection

After returning to the film franchise as a producer as well as an actor this time around, Patrick Stewart was able to influence the story of the film. This didn't cause issues so much as it added a series of delays to pre-production. This was due mainly to his suggestions for story ideas.

One of his ideas - that the crew of the Enterprise-E defend the Ba'ku village in a style similar to the Battle of the Alamo - was nixed from the film. It was deemed too logistically difficult, and the original version of the villagers flight into the hills was kept instead.

The final version of the script was given to everyone bar Stewart, which made Rick Berman nervous. He worried that this would make the man feel deliberately excluded. Thankfully, the first that he heard about it was when Levar Burton called him to praise the script. He called a meeting with Michael Piller, who attended nervously, but the only further notes were on several lines of dialogue.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick