20 Things You Never Knew About Star Trek: Insurrection

4. A British Tar Is A Soaring Soul

There are a couple of conflicting accounts as to how Picard, Worf, and Data ended up singing Gilbert and Sullivan in the final film. All agree that Picard had to distract Data long enough for the other two to capture him. One suggestion had Picard and Data quoting King Lear, rather than singing together. This would call back to episodes of The Next Generation, while also serving as a nod to Stewart's Shakespearean pedigree, however, Stewart claimed he was against it.

He then said that he suggested something like Tony Bennett, which would give Brent Spiner a chance to show off his tenor. Berman and Piller felt that it was corny, and Stewart says that Piller suggested Gilbert and Sullivan, while Piller stated that it was the other way around. Both men agree however that Stewart was not a fan of the composers.

Despite his misgivings, Stewart agreed to HMS Pinafore, after his first idea (Three Little Maids) was shot down for being too vulgar! Once he saw the finished product, he admitted that, in the end, Berman and Piller had made the right call after all.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick