20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Children Of Men

18. The Film's Allusions To Future Real-World Events

Children Of Men
Universal Pictures

The decision to render the world of Children of Men as realistically as possible meant that the world seen onscreen is for the most part very familiar (especially for those who live or have been to London and its environs).

Therefore, we glimpse notable English landmarks such as the London Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral and a particularly unnerving depiction of Bexhill, now a supersized refugee camp. One notable landmark featured in the film is the Shard, the tallest building in the United Kingdom. Its inclusion is noteworthy as the film came out little over two years before the building's construction in March 2009.

In addition to this, Theo wears a London 2012 Games hoodie at some point in the film despite the sporting event being well over five years away. It should be noted that the film began production a few months after London won bid the event to host the games.

These visual details may seem insignificant at first glance but they add another layer of verisimilitude to the world seen in the film.


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