20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About John Wick

9. Ian McShane Joined The Project Late In The Game

John Wick Things You Didn't Know
Summit Entertainment

While he is not quite a beloved franchise staple like John Wick or the late Lance Reddick's Charon, Ian McShane's Winston is still an integral part of the quadrilogy. 

The Deadwood actor imbues the Continental manager with the right amount of gravitas and wit and that combination is enough to make Winston a reliable presence in the films. That is why is it all the more surprising that the 81-year-old actor signed onto the role as filming was well underway in late 2013.

In an interview with IGN (via Fandomwire), producer Basil Iwanyk revealed that the Lovejoy performer only joined the actioner due to the convenience of its filming location as well as the promise of a holiday for him and his wife.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.