20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About John Wick

16. Alfie Allen's Role Prep Was Rather Unconventional

John Wick Things You Didn't Know
Summit Entertainment

Alfie Allen was a fitting choice for Iosef Tarasov, as the crime lord's arrogant and bratty son was not a far cry from Allen's most notable role as Theon Greyjoy in the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones.

One would be forgiven that this role would not require extensive prep a la Keanu Reeves and the rest of the cast, but that did not stop the Jojo Rabbit star from employing an unusual approach while developing his Russian accent. He stated in an interview with Newscorp Australia that his dialect teacher amusingly sent him to various Russian baths in New York to fine-tune his accent.

Unsurprisingly, Allen added that this teaching choice did not pay off because one of the patrons he met spoke in a rather outrageous accent and he felt that he would be best preparing for his role in a more conventional fashion.

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