20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About John Wick

15. The Limited Budget Meant That The Stuntmen Were Reused Across Filming

John Wick Things You Didn't Know
Summit Entertainment

Due to John Wick's status as a risky filmmaking venture, it was produced for a relatively minuscule budget of 20 million dollars.

Because of this, the production team had to find inventive ways to work around the financial constraints, and this was no different when it came to extras and stunt performers. The filmmakers used hair and makeup tools to change the actors' appearances so as to give the impression that there were more people involved in the setpieces. 

Fortunately for the creative team, the fast-paced nature of the fight scenes (and the focus on Keanu Reeves in these scenes) meant that audiences did not have a chance to immediately notice the recurring stuntmen.

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John Wick
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