20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Logan

18. The Film’s Timeline And Setting

Logan Jerry Seinfeld
Super News Live (YouTube)

After X-Men: Days Of Future Past’s time-altering events took shape, it became clear that future instalments would take place in the same timeline (with a few changes here and there). However, the time period in X-Men: Apocalypse muddled things a bit and Logan’s radically different setting did not do much to alleviate this concern.

According to director James Mangold, Logan is set in 2029 (six years after the events of Days of Future Past), but some of its elements lend credence to Hugh Jackman’s comments about it being set in its own continuity (subsequently dubbed Earth-17035 in the wider Marvel multiverse).

Despite the slight lack of cohesion and inconsistencies, the movie’s timeline and universe setting ultimately helped it serve as as much of a standalone feature as possible without disregarding what came before.


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