20 Things You Somehow Missed In Back To The Future Part 3
Every incredible detail you missed in Robert Zemeckis' legendary Western threequel.

Though just about everybody agrees that the first Back to the Future is the best, there's no overwhelming consensus on which of the two sequels is the runner-up.
But Part III, shot back-to-back with Part II, certainly upends the series' formula in an unexpected and deeply playful way, shifting the setting to 1885 for a loving homage to classic Westerns.
It's a ludicrously entertaining film and offers up a fitting conclusion to the trilogy, and like its predecessors is also a film absolutely jam-packed with incredible details.
Director Robert Zemeckis and screenwriter Bob Gale clearly invested a lot of time and effort in ensuring the threequel was crammed with Easter eggs, references, and minor flourishes which add up to make this world so richly realised.
And yet, given that Part III simply isn't as celebrated as the original, and most of us likely haven't seen it nearly as much, there's probably a lot that you've never noticed about the movie.
From details ingeniously hidden in plain sight to inside baseball references only the most keen-eyed viewers would ever notice, here are 20 things you surely missed in Back to the Future Part III...
20. Doc's Bandana Was Made From His Shirt In Part II

We'll kick things off with something that actually paid off an Easter egg from the second film. Early on in Back to the Future Part II, Doc (Christopher Lloyd) wears a shirt with a distinctive yellow-blue-white colour scheme.
But if you look closer beyond the colours, you might be able to make out men on horseback chasing a train.
Beyond the fact that this is clearly foreshadowing the western-themed plot of the third film, we actually see the shirt again in Part III, when Doc wears it around his face as a bandana while carrying out a stickup.
It was difficult to make this out in prior lower-resolution releases of the film, but in HD and especially 4K, take a close look and it's much easier to spot, even with the shirt's design being reversed over Doc's face.