20 Things You Somehow Missed In Back To The Future Part 3

1. Police Academy's Michael Winslow Performed The Sound Effects For Marty's Moonwalking

Back to the Future Part 3

Even if you've watched Back to the Future Part III to the end many times, here's a credit you've probably never, ever noticed.

In the "the producers wish to thank" section of the credits, you'll find the name Michael Winslow - yes, the very same Michael Winslow famed for his uncanny ability to create realistic sound effects using only his voice.

Winslow, best known for his appearances in the Police Academy movies, actually provided the sound effects for Marty's feet during the movie's moonwalk sequence.

Somewhat poetically, a few years prior Winslow had presented the Best Sound Editing Oscar to Charles L. Campbell and Robert Rutledge for their work on the original Back to the Future.

Michael Jackson also received a thank you credit, presumably for allowing the production to use the moonwalk without threat of legal action.

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