20 Things You Somehow Missed In Captain America: Civil War

Only one man actually read the Sokovia Accords in Civil War!

Captain America Civil War Rhodey Falcon Sokovia Accords
Marvel Studios

The scale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has only gotten bigger and bigger over the years, to the point that, in some regard, even the third in the Captain America trilogy was an even bigger spectacle than the first Avengers movie.

There were more characters, arguably more lasting damage to the team and subsequently to the world in general, and in reality Civil War could have easily been marketed as an Avengers movie rather than as part of the Captain America franchise.

All this to say that Civil War was huge. It was anticipated like few other MCU movies had been at that point, particularly with being based on an incredibly popular crossover story from the comics, and it’s fair to say that it lived up to its potential.

Civil War was as big, as bombastic, and as cinematic as anyone could have hoped for. That doesn’t mean that there weren’t smaller details and more subtle moments to be appreciated, however. In fact, there were many that were so small and subtle that they would have just passed by many fans watching, even now six years later.

20. Homecoming

Captain America Civil War Rhodey Falcon Sokovia Accords
Marvel Studios

The beginning of Captain America: Civil War showed just exactly how HYDRA was able to take over the mind of Bucky Barnes. A series of certain code words, spoken in Russian, in a specific order, allowed whoever spoke them to have total control of the Winter Soldier.

"Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car."

On the face of it, they seem to be words chosen at random, but there is one word in there that is simply impossible to ignore. MCU fans will immediately recognise Homecoming as the first of the Tom Holland-fronted Spider-Man trilogy, and it is no coincidence that the word was a part of Bucky’s trigger.

That first MCU Spidey movie had been officially announced just a month before the release of Civil War, and this was clearly a little brainwashing of the MCU fans in a different way.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.