20 Things You Somehow Missed In Captain America: Civil War

3. Hawkeye's Name

Captain America Civil War Rhodey Falcon Sokovia Accords
Marvel Studios

Clint Barton has never struck anyone as being a particularly social creature throughout the MCU. More than just about any character in the franchise, you would characterise him as a grumpy old man, and you’d be absolutely right. Outside of the Avengers, Clint didn’t seem to have many friends, but he did at least introduce himself to T’Challa just before they fought.

The Black Panther famously told Hawkeye that he didn’t care what his name was, but he wasn’t the only character Clint met for the first time in the movie. After Sam told Cap that he knew a guy that could help them, Clint was sent to pick up Scott Lang as well as Wanda.

When they all met up in Germany, Scott was in the back of the van disoriented and unsure even what time zone he was in. The actual unseen interaction between these two is something that this writer will always consider a missed opportunity. Though Clint immediately offered his name to T’Challa, he didn’t do the same to Scott. Even when they were fighting alongside each other in Germany, Ant-Man referred to his teammate as ‘Arrow Guy’.

So he came across the world with someone whose name he didn’t even know? Clint picking Scott up without ever telling him his name, and their clash of opposite personalities would have made for a wonderful scene in the movie.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.