20 Things You Somehow Missed In Captain America: Civil War

4. Death Counts

Captain America Civil War Rhodey Falcon Sokovia Accords
Marvel Studios

The entire idea of the Sokovia Accords was put into motion because of the collateral damage caused when the Avengers were saving the world. This is apparently what stopped them from being called heroes, and instead labelled them as vigilantes.

There were four big incidents that Secretary Ross referred to in his briefing. The Battle of New York, the fall of HYDRA in Washington, D.C., the Battle of Sokovia, and the most recent events in Lagos, Nigeria. Though the Avengers saved many lives in each moment, there were also the tragic deaths of innocent people.

Before Civil War, there would have been no possible way to put a number on the number of civilian casualties caused in New York, Washington, or Sokovia, but Ross’ files did the trick. Of course, they also came with a counter of how much money the damage came to, because that’s just as bad as the loss of human life, right?

In the Battle of New York there were 74 casualties with total losses of $88 billion, DC saw less casualties with only 23, but a considerably higher damage total of $208 billion. This was nothing however, compared to Ultron's offensive in Sokovia, which killed 177 innocent lives and $474 billion worth of damages, before 26 people were killed in Lagos, with a cost of $14 million.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.