20 Things You Somehow Missed In Collateral

11. An Authentic Character Beat Happened By Accident

Collateral Tom Cruise Jamie Foxx
Paramount Pictures

Michael Mann is renowned for being an intensely detail-oriented director, often opting to get dozens of takes in order to achieve the best possible scene. That said, the legendary filmmaker is not above including a bit of improvisation (or in this case a happy accident) if it serves the characters and/or story.

During the third act, Max realised that Annie was Vincent's last target and goes to her office building to warn her. Naturally, Vincent is not pleased with this inconvenience and chases after the duo once Annie is clued in on the threat to her life.

While shooting the chase setpiece, Tom Cruise really did fall after stepping on an office chair. Mann revealed on the movie's home release commentary that he liked this onset mishap and chose to keep it in the final edit.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.