20 Things You Somehow Missed In Die Hard

9. Our Man Flint

Die Hard Missed
20th Century Fox

Hans Gruber is well known as the villain of Die Hard - and what a villain he is!

However, he started life as a minor villain appearing in the 1966 James Bond spoof, Our Man Flint in which he is an emissary of the evil organisation known as Galaxy. Tasked with assassinating Derek Flint (James Coburn) in a seedy club in Marseilles, Hans Gruber (Michael St. Clair) has the tables turned on him by Flint, who ends up killing him in a toilet stall.

Whilst this is a far from noble beginning for Hans Gruber - and one that might even have made Alan Rickman blush - it may have led to a far more famous scene in cinematic history in which Michael Myers's Austin Powers drowns Irish garotter, Paddy O'Brien (Paul Dillon) in a Las Vegas toilet in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997).


I started writing for WhatCulture in July 2020. I have always enjoyed reading and writing. I have contributed to several short story competitions and I have occasionally been fortunate enough to have my work published. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I also started reviewing films on my Facebook page. Numerous friends and contacts suggested that I should start my own website for reviewing films, but I wanted something a bit more diverse - and so here I am! My interests focus on film and television mainly, but I also occasionally produce articles that venture into other areas as well. In particular, I am a fan of the under appreciated sequel (of which there are many), but I also like the classics and the mainstream too.