20 Things You Somehow Missed In Gravity

19. Alfonso Cuaron Added In A Subtle VFX Gag In The Film's Opening

gravity sandra bullock
Warner Bros.

It is not uncommon for filmmakers to add Easter eggs and miniscule details in their stories for fans to pore over following the film's home release. While some details add new layers to the movie's narrative, others are simple gags meant to add a bit of visual humour or levity to the proceedings.

Near the Gravity's start, a camera rig and boom mic can be seen reflected on Kowalski's helmet. Given that the ace astronaut whisks by the actual camera fairly quickly, this gag can be easily missed, especially if one is poring over the sequence's numerous visual details.

Due to this, it fortunately does not break the viewer's immersion into the story and works to give the movie the documentary-style feel Alfonso Cuaron and company were aiming for.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.