20 Things You Somehow Missed In Mad Max: Fury Road

12. All The Australian Slang

Mad Max Fury Road
Warner Bros.

Like its predecessors, Fury Road has a distinctly Australian flavour, as is most evident through some of the Aussie slang employed throughout the film, even if much of it passes by so quickly you can easily miss it amid all the vehicular carnage.

In one scene, one of Immortan Joe's wives The Dag (Abbey Lee) calls Max (Tom Hardy) a "crazy smeg who eats schlanger!" "Smeg" is a reference to smegma - possibly by way of hit Brit sitcom Red Dwarf - while "schlanger" is Aussie slang for penis. You can probably piece the rest together.

Elsewhere, both Furiosa (Charlize Theron) and one of the War Boys use the term "fang it" to describe driving full throttle. If nothing else, these quirky morsels of dialogue help elevate Fury Road into a distinctly weird world quite unlike any other.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.