20 Things You Somehow Missed In Napoleon Dynamite

2. Game Over!

Napoleon Dynamite
Crave Entertainment

In 2007, Napoleon Dynamite was adapted into a video game under the creative title 'Napoleon Dynamite: The Game.' 

Available for the Playstation Portable and Nintendo DS, it was a collection of mini-games, the PSP featuring 30 and the DS five less. These games included an obvious dancing rhythm game, alongside others involving BMX bike jumping, feeding Tina the llama, and mastering Rex Kwon Do. Despite referencing some of the movie's key moments and in-jokes, these games had varying degrees of success and failure. Mostly the latter. Regardless of extra content, both versions of the game were universally panned.

IGN advised its readers to forget the licensed cash-in:

"The real reason why you should just forget the game in general is that it's simply not fun. There are moments where the mini-games approach mild entertainment, but you can have just as much fun -- if not more -- playing a free Flash game."

Of the DS version, GameSpot concluded:

"It's unlikely that many were begging for a Napoleon Dynamite-themed minigame collection, and those few who were will be disappointed by this shabby effort."

One to avoid, save morbid curiosity at a flea market.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.