20 Things You Somehow Missed In Napoleon Dynamite

1. Napoleon Dynamite 2?

Napoleon Dynamite
Fox Searchlight

Despite the 20-year gap, there is still hope that Napoleon Dynamite could receive a sequel. Though the movie did spawn a short-lived, six-episode, animated sitcom in 2012, this hasn't soured the cast from making a live-action sequel. Jon Heder and Efren Ramirez have been vocal about returning.

In January 2020, John Heder confirmed his interest in a darker sequel commenting:

"I feel like the future for Napoleon would be a lot more raw and edgy. So, whatever [Hess] comes up with would be fun to explore [...] I think whatever Jared comes up with wouldn't be your typical, 'let's do a sequel where they all look the same and they all act the same'. I think it would be an interesting development in their lives."

In the same interview, Efren Ramirez even pitched an idea for a sequel. He improvised that his character Pedro would own a bakery and be a married father, Summer Wheatley would be his wife, Kip would achieve his dream of being a cage fighter, and Uncle Rico would try to get rich with a new business.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.