20 Things You Somehow Missed In Napoleon Dynamite

15. Preston School Body

Napoleon Dynamite
Fox Searchlight

The school scenes were filmed in the real-life Preston High School, Idaho. It provided many of the iconic sets including the brightly coloured lockers seen on many of the movie's posters. However, it was not just quirky locations that helped the low-budget comedy. The real-life students of Preston High also served as the school's fictional students. Napoleon Dynamite featured 181 actual students. The inclusion of these students gave the movie one of the longest closing credits.

Of course, the fictional Preston School Body had a few recognisable actors spliced in such as:

Efren Ramirez (Pedro), who'd previously acted in hospital drama ER (2003) and Mandela Effect inducing Kazaam (1996).

Tina Majorino (Deb), who had previous featured roles in seal-based family drama Andre (1994) and sci-fi action Waterworld (1995).

Haylie Duff (Summer), whose previous experience included Addams Family Reunion (1998) and working alongside her '00s teen idol sister Hayley.

Others like Trevor Snarr (Don) managed to turn their Napoleon Dynamite debut into a lasting career. Snarr has made recent appearances in Yellowstone and The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (both of which released in 2022).


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.