20 Things You Somehow Missed In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

17. Rogue One Pays Homage To The Original Star Wars Trilogy's Dialogue

Rogue One Jyn Erso Felicity Jones

Now, it's not exactly that difficult to spot at least one character letting it be known that they have a "bad feeling about this" in just about any of the Star Wars projects that followed the iconic Original Trilogy.

And sure enough, Rogue One clearly boasts K-2SO attempting to pay homage to Luke Skywalker's first utterance of the soon-to-be well-known phrase in A New Hope... before getting unceremoniously cut off by Jyn and Cassian. How rude.

But while this one stuck out like a sore thumb, you may not have spotted a few other, far less obvious tributes to some of the OG trilogy's awesome dialogue over the course of this Star Wars Story.

Saw Gerrera did his best Admiral Ackbar impression, letting out a swift "It's a trap" on Jedha.

And Andor also ordered K-2SO to "punch it!" as the team fled the blasted planet, a nod to Han Solo and Lando's very same cool as all hell lines to Chewbacca in The Empire Strikes Back.

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