20 Things You Somehow Missed In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

16. Eadu Was Inspired By Alien

Rogue One Jyn Erso Felicity Jones
Lucasfilm & 20th Century Studios

Rather than taking inspiration from a film set within the Star Wars universe, Gareth Edwards actually decided to look to another iconic piece of sci-fi when designing one of the many fascinating worlds on show in Rogue One.

While it may not have been fully apparent when first taking in the titular crew's attempts to find Jyn's father Galen on the planet Eadu, it's pretty hard to unsee the similarities once you learn that the director was massively inspired by Alien's LV-426 during its creation.

This moon, containing ominous rocks and a misty, blue atmosphere, was one of the first places to be infested by the terrifying Xenomorphs in the series. Whereas in Rogue One, Eadu was overrun with a slightly less frightening Empire.

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