20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

14. A Who's Who Of Soon-To-Be-Famous Cameos

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Richard Armitage The Hobbit
Disney/Warner Bros. Pictures

With the unprecedented success that was Lucas' Original trilogy, it's not too difficult to understand why absolutely every actor worth their salt was lining up for a part - no matter the size - in the Prequel chapter of the Skywalker Saga.

The Hobbit's Richard Armitage and The Wire's Dominic West both acted as members of Queen Amidala's palace guard at various points. Sofia Coppola stepped into the Star Wars sphere as Saché, Amidala's handmaiden, as a way of picking up vital directorial experience from Lucas. And even eventual Oscar-nominee Sally Hawkins wound up taking on the role of an extra during the film's closing celebration scene.

It wasn't just the stars of tomorrow getting in on the cameo action either, with Lucas also finding numerous ways to squeeze his own family into the mix, with Katie Lucas (his daughter) taking on the small role of Anakin's childhood pal Amee, and Amanda Lucas (also his daughter) acting as Diva Funquita in Jabba's Tatooine viewing box, along with the voice of Tey How - a Trade Federation battleship pilot.

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