20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

13. It Was The First Time Anthony Daniels Didn't Physically Play C-3PO

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Richard Armitage The Hobbit

He may have still found a way to put his own distinct stamp on the return of C-3PO during the character's pre-golden plate appearance in Episode I, but Anthony Daniels' showing in The Phantom Menace actually acted as something of a first for the franchise.

Instead of providing the physical movements for Threepio as he had done in the prior three Original trilogy entries, the nature of the protocol droid's comeback meant that a puppeteer had to be responsible for his presence on set for the first time ever.

It wasn't for a lack of trying on Daniels' part, mind, with the committed actor feeling somewhat disappointed over not being able to physically bring the droid to life in Episode I, to the point of requesting a go of the puppet job by the time Episode II came around.

Despite putting in a sizeable amount of effort to nail his puppeteering moment though, the decision was ultimately made to scrap that design in favour of going back to a plated Threepio for Attack of the Clones. Charming.

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