20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

12. Anakin's Theme Subtly Foreshadows Vader

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Richard Armitage The Hobbit

Music has always been an extremely powerful tool within the Star Wars juggernaut.

In another example of using those always-excellent themes as a way of foreshadowing certain beats that will eventually come to pass in the Skywalker Saga, John Williams' work in bringing a young Anakin Skywalker's musical theme to life actually brought with it a rather subtle nod towards The Chosen One's dark future.

If you listen closely to Ani's theme throughout The Phantom Menace, you'll hear the odd cheeky rendition of none other than The Imperial March nestled in the powerful tune, another hint at what will become of the eventual Darth Vader in the closing stages of this Prequel series.

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