20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
15. The Death Star Nods
On top of the eventual creation of the robotic big bad that would be Darth Vader, the Prequel flicks also allude to another game-changing Original Trilogy mechanical feat's creation at various points in the day.
After being spotted in the background on Geonosis during Attack of the Clones, Sheev Palpatine's ominous plans to forge the galaxy's most terrifying superweapon were once again on show during Revenge of the Sith within the secret Sith's office.
And while the sight of Palps having a quick scan of his Death Star plans via red hologram - because why would a Sith-in-hiding use the blue alternative, eh? - was pretty tough to miss in Episode III, there's every chance you overlooked the fact the Death Star makes its presence known in his office decor, too.
As Anakin enters the space to converse with his future master, you'll see the two tables sandwiching him both boasting what appears to be the image of the eventual space station.
Palps really was just flaunting his true nature all along, wasn't he?