20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker

Secret CGI, subtle callbacks, and those other Rise of Skywalker details you didn't spot!

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

Despite generally being seen as the weakest sequel trilogy entry of the bunch, Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker isn't an entirely awful chapter in the Skywalker Saga.

This was the same flick that introduced the world to the Anzellan gift that is Babu Frik, brought back the great Billy Dee Williams in his iconic cape, and actually boasted some pretty spectacular visuals during its hit-and-miss runtime - that wet duel on Kef Bir will never not be magnificent.

But with a great many Star Wars lovers not exactly being in a rush to rewatch the J. J. Abrams nostalgia fest that was more concerned with retconning what came before it than trying to end the franchise on a refreshing high, it's safe to say that a ton of the interesting or more subtle details on show in Episode IX have largely been overlooked in the years since its 2019 release.

Now this list won't be able to turn back time and change the fact that Rey was actually a Palpatine all along.

However, it will be able to shed some light on some easily missed cameos, a few brilliant nods to the past that won't leave you cringing, and many more Rise of Skywalker features and Easter eggs you possibly never noticed.

20. That "Mysterious" Message Could Actually Be Heard On Fortnite

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker
Epic Games & Lucasfilm

Within the opening few seconds of The Rise of Skywalker, fans were hilariously informed that "The dead speak!" as Episode IX's opening crawl explained how Emperor Palpatine had recently sent out a "mysterious broadcast" threatening "REVENGE."

However, the words zombie Palpatine uttered in this message were never actually heard... in the film, that is.

If you weren't immersed in the world of Fortnite at the time of the movie's release, you probably missed the fact that Palpatine's sinister broadcast actually debuted during a December 14 event in the game dedicated to the incoming Star Wars feature.

Here, Fortnite fans were treated to the chilling words of "At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith," from the returning Emperor.

Sometimes it pays to play video games, you know.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...