20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker

1. The Callbacks To Rey's Beginnings

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

Back when Star Wars fans first met Daisy Ridley's eventual Jedi warrior Rey on Jakku in 2015, this lowly scavenger was seen hopping around a derelict Star Destroyer as the "nobody" rummaged around the Empire's destroyed ship for parts.

This involved a lot of jumping and swinging from high places before the masked hero hopped on a piece of metal and slid down a sand dune.

Compared to the galaxy-changing adventures she'd eventually find herself right in the centre of, these were relatively simpler times.

And as a nod to her humble beginnings, The Rise of Skywalker actually contains a few moments that act as callbacks to Rey's scavenging introduction.

Take the moment Rey is searching for the Sith wayfinder on the second Death Star. Her handy parkour skills are once again on show as she hops around another battered Empire relic.

Also, as she arrives on Tatooine to bury her masters' lightsabers, the Jakku native simply couldn't resist going for one more little sand sled ride on her way down into the Lars Homestead.

Rey may have ultimately become one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy by the end of The Rise of Skywalker, but she evidently never forgot where she came from.

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