20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker

18. Ralph McQuarrie's Concept Art Inspired Thrones And Locations

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

The late great conceptual designer Ralph McQuarrie was responsible for creating some of the most fascinating concept art in movie history, with many of those ideas heavily influencing the galaxy far, far away fans know and adore today.

And his exceptional work managed to find its way into the final Skywalker Saga entry, too.

Palpatine's intimidating Sith Throne on Exegol was evidently inspired by McQuarrie's unused concept art for the Emperor's throne in Return of the Jedi, as confirmed by Lucasfilm creative art manager Phil Szostack on X.

Also, as noted by Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo, the Mirror-Spires on the planet of Ivexia Poe Dameron lightspeed skips to early on in Episode IX were influenced by some of the work seen in the Illustrated Star Wars Universe book that contained a ton of McQuarrie's fantastic art.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...