20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

10. Boba Fett's Face Is Briefly Glimpsed

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

While he may have grown into one of the most adored figures in the galaxy on the back of his rather mysterious live-action debut in The Empire Strikes Back, in reality, the reveal of precisely who was hiding underneath that iconic Mandalorian helmet actually went down under fans' noses in Episode V.

Brought to life by Jeremy Bulloch during his Original Trilogy days, the actor behind Boba Fett actually rocked up without a mask on Cloud City, playing Galactic Empire Lieutenant Sheckil as Leia tries to warn Luke that he'd wandered into a trap.

This wasn't always the plan, though. Bulloch simply stepped in, in the wake of the original Sheckil actor suddenly not being available to shoot on the day. This also wasn't Bulloch's last Star Wars cameo either, with the actor popping up in Episode III as Captain Jeremoch Colton.

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