20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

9. No Special Effects Were Needed For Hoth's Blizzard

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

Episode V may not boast the sort of relentless CGI and special effects pumped into the galaxy throughout the Prequel Trilogy, but the brilliant minds behind the various alien planets, technology, and characters found in The Empire Strikes Back still threw their fair share of mind-blowing technical feats into the sequel.

However, when it came time to shoot the relentlessly snowy sequences on Hoth involving the Rebels trying to fight off both the incoming Empire and some seriously treacherous weather, that latter element didn't require any digital or practical wizardry at all.

So, the next time you take in the moment involving Luke Skywalker trying his best to keep from freezing to death post-Wampa escape, do so with the knowledge of Mark Hamill being genuinely (and rather cruelly) dumped in the middle of a legit snow storm, while the rest of the cast and crew watched on from the comfort of a nice, warm hotel close by.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...