20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

6. A Potato Asteroid Field

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

Jumping back into the perilous moment involving Han Solo and the gang trying to keep from getting blown to pieces by some incoming TIE Fighters amidst a field of asteroids, said floating rocks actually weren't all that they seemed.

As noted by some of the brilliant minds behind everything from the Millennium Falcon to the humongous space rocks in question, when trying to land on a design for these asteroids, the team finally decided on a look that someone quickly pointed out looked similar to a potato.

Without missing a beat, it was soon decided that throwing a bunch of actual spuds into the distant background of the asteroid belt wouldn't be the worst idea in the world. So, if you look closely enough, you'll definitely catch a few floating taters threatening to collide with the Falcon.

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