20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

5. Boba Fett Is Never Mentioned By Name

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

From the very second he showed up in the middle of a collection of unsettling bounty hunters on Darth Vader's star destroyer in The Empire Strikes Back, fans instantly found themselves gripped by the Beskar-sporting badass that is Boba Fett.

That being said, those who hadn't sat through the debacle that was the Star Wars Holiday Special would've been forgiven for having next to no clue who this not exactly talkative masked figure was.

Why? Well, because Fett's name isn't actually said at any point in The Empire Strikes Back, with his first big-screen mention by name surprisingly coming in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial two years later.

And when his name was finally uttered in a Star Wars feature, it just so happened to come before his rather underwhelming demise on Tatooine. Boba couldn't catch a break.

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