20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

2. Rebels Use Bubble Wrap For... Reasons?

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

Should you ever find yourself in a sticky situation where you're forced to take down a terrifying, giant mechanical contraption with little more than a tiny cruiser and some cables, make sure to strap on your bubble wrap because... well, the Rebels seem to think it'll come in handy apparently.

As seen during the shots of Luke and Wedge trying to disable the formidable AT-AT's on Hoth, both Rebel murderers can be found sporting random sheets of bubble wrap on their seat belts.

Was this actually some sort of alien material capable of ensuring the pilots would be safe from harm should they crash-land into the tundra below? Possibly. But it's more likely this was little more than a cheap way to add some detail to an otherwise bland-looking prop.

Bubble wrap was also found on the seatbelts of the Millennium Falcon too, with Star Wars director Rian Johnson opting to leave it there when guiding Episode VIII onto the big-screen.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...