20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

1. Yoda's Hut Was Made From His Escape Pod

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

After first encountering the quirky alien life-form on the swampy planet of Dagobah in Episode V, Luke is invited into Yoda's hut for a bite to eat before finding out that he's actually conversing with the powerful Jedi Master he's been searching for.

What many likely didn't realise during this scene (and the numerous other moments spent inside Yoda's home), is that said hut is actually partially made up of parts from the escape pod that brought him to the planet all those years ago.

As revealed in a Revenge of the Sith deleted scene, Yoda landed on the planet strong with the Force in an E3-standard starship lifeboat. He would then go on to live in the ship for a time, before it began to degrade and was ultimately consumed by the swamp a year into his exile.

So, Yoda decided to forge a new home, one that came equipped with some of the materials he could salvage from the broken down pod/home. He even powered his new crib using the lifeboat's back-up power supply.

But as impressive as the Jedi Master's ability to improvise and evolve to his surroundings may be, it's definitely difficult to look at his home the same way after realising it likely serves as a painful, constant reminder of the world he left behind post-Order 66.

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