20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

5. Anakin's Skeleton Is Briefly Visible

Jabba SW

Finally coming to his frazzled lad's aid during Return of the Jedi's shocking climax, Darth Vader edges back towards the light side by dumping the wrinkly a-hole he once called master down a reactor shaft.

In the wake of a few special edition additional cries of "No!", though, many fans were too busy cringing in their seats or punching the air in joy at the sight of Darth Sidious being Gorilla Pressed by the man-machine to spot a particularly awesome detail during this galaxy-changing moment.

As Vader impressively lifts The Emperor with one good hand, Anakin Skywalker's skeleton can sporadically be seen as the hooded Sith's shocks fire through his system.

Then, after eventually launching Sidious, the Chosen One's massively augmented frame is once again visible for a few seconds as he takes a quick breather post-throw, highlighting many of the robotic elements that had been installed into his skeleton.

Obi-Wan wasn't wrong, his former padawan was very much more machine than man at this point.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...