20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

4. Jabba The Tatt

Jabba SW

Easily ranking as one of the most despicable and memorable antagonists our beloved heroes ever came up against during Episodes IV-VI, the slimy Jabba the Hutt more than made an impact during his various appearances in the Original Trilogy.

Yet, despite it often being pretty hard to take your eyes off of this massive gangster slug whenever he wriggled onto the scene, most didn't actually catch a subtle detail on the Hutt's person throughout his impactful ROTJ moments in particular.

As the criminal empire leader is found drooling over Princess Leia, roaring at Threepio within his palace and chilling on his sail barge, his right forearm is actually shown to be boasting an easily missed tattoo.

Said ink is said to be of the Desilijic kajidic symbol, a mark that highlighted Jabba's role as the leader of the Desilijic Tiure clan.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...