20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

18. A Director AT-ST Cameo

Jabba SW

After George Lucas and Irvin Kershnerr had directed the prior two entries into the Skywalker Saga, it was over to Richard Marquand to lead the final chapter of the Original Trilogy.

And while Lucas and Kershnerr would resist the urge to throw themselves into the Star Wars goodness for a throwaway cameo during their time in the director's seat, before the former would go all blue in Episode III, of course, Marquand did find a way to subtly get in on the on-screen action.

As Return of the Jedi reaches its thrilling climax on Endor, look closely at the Imperial folks steering the AT-ST through the forest moon. The late Marquand, whose character went by that same name in Legends continuity before before rechristened Newland, would proceed to be battered by a few Ewoks in the end before Chewbacca hijacked his destructive vehicle.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...