20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

1. Some Of Harrison Ford's Hair Was Actually CGI

Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens Rey Eating

Rathtars weren't the only thing created via CGI during the making of The Force Awakens; an iconic smuggler's locks were also given some rather unexpected digital adjustments, too.

That's according to J. J. Abrams' Blu-ray commentary (via Gizmodo), with the director eventually revealing how Han Solo and Chewbacca's first scene was actually a combination of stuff that was shot before and after Harrison Ford broke his leg on set.

Ford's hair had grown in the time he spent away from set recovering. So, rather than simply just ordering him to get a haircut, the team decided to digitally lengthen the hair he had in all the scenes he'd shot before his injury.

With that in mind, have fun trying to catch those moments in Episode VII when Ford is very much sporting CGI extensions the next time you fire up this Sequels-starting flick, folks!

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