20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

5. The Footstep Hints At Luke Being A Projection

Star Wars Last Jedi Facts

After defiantly facing down the entire First Order with a laser sword, it's eventually astonishingly revealed that Luke Skywalker wasn't actually on Crait fighting Kylo Ren at all.

The powerful Jedi Master had unbelievably projected his image halfway across the galaxy in order to buy the Resistance enough time to escape the planet.

What a guy.

While this certainly came as a hell of a shock to the majority of those watching the flick for the first time, there were actually a number of hints that pointed to this not being an in-the-flesh Luke Skywalker during their showdown.

On top of the slightly more obvious fact he was boasting a Skywalker lightsaber that had just been destroyed by Rey and Kylo Ren and a much younger-looking beard and head of hair than we'd seen him sporting earlier in the film, the Jedi's footsteps also subtly give away the fact this was all an illusion.

His former apprentice can be seen ripping up the salt on Crait in their duel. Whereas Luke doesn't leave a single footprint on the planet's surface, a fact that deftly lets the audience know this wasn't really the in-person Skywalker they were looking for.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...