20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

6. Poe's Special Necklace

Star Wars Last Jedi Facts

During one of the many times the aforementioned maverick pilot Poe Dameron clashes with Vice-Admiral Holdo in Episode VIII, a largely overlooked piece of jewellery slips out of the Resistance fighter's shirt for a moment.

And far from being little more than a meaningless bit of Dameron bling, that reliable The Last Jedi - The Visual Dictionary book once again revealed that there was more to this item than meets the eye.

The necklace Dameron wears throughout the movie actually holds his mother's wedding ring on it (via Comicbook.com). And do you know why this rebellious Resistance pilot keeps his late mom Shara Bey's ring with him at all times? Because he's patiently keeping it close for the moment when he finally finds the right partner to give it to one day.

How bloody sweet.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...