20 Things You Somehow Missed In The Lost World: Jurassic Park

15. Dental Floss Played A Part In Making A Pteranodon

Jurassic Park The Last World King Lear
Universal Pictures

Jumping into the familiar sounds you may not have realised were invading your ears whenever a certain prehistoric presence was letting rip in front of your very eyes, and to an everyday household item that helped vocalise one of the first real aerial threats seen in this Jurassic world.

As it goes, if you feel like replicating the screeches found tumbling out of the beaked-mouths of the Pteranodons seen taking up The Lost World's closing stages, then a quick trip to your bathroom is all that's required. Dental floss being pulled out of a box and slowed down by sound designer Gary Rydstrom was at the centre of this particular pterosaur.

So, have fun recreating this ear-piercing call the next time you're firing the remains of your dinner into your sink...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...