20 Things You Somehow Missed In There Will Be Blood

3. Fleeting Moments That Humanize Daniel

There Will Be Blood
Paramount Vantage

Daniel's humane side came out numerous times in the film. Sure, it was overshadowed by his greed and capitalist streak, but here are some instances that humanize the man that you might have missed.

When H.W. came back from the place with his teacher, Daniel was busy laying his pipeline. He hugs him the instant he sees him and whispers "I love you", the very first time in the film. What does H.W. do? Slap him.

When H.W. told him that Abel beats Mary, he not only stood up for her, he also took care of her afterward. It shows how genuinely he cared for both of them. Daniel mercilessly kills fake Henry after he discovers the truth about him but sobs uncontrollably. He said how having a brother "breathed fresh life" in Daniel's journey.

There is another moment right after H.W. walks off after Daniel calls him "lower than a bastard". He sits in his chair, alone, and winces. A flashback montage shows a scene where he playfully coddles H.W. and he plays with Mary.


Arnav Srivastav hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.