20 Things You Somehow Missed In There Will Be Blood

2. Blurring The Lines Of Oil And Blood

There Will Be Blood
Paramount Vantage

The narrative in There Will be Blood brings out sharp observations about the nature of Daniel's work. PTA's masterful and deceptive narrative blurs the lines between blood & oil. One of the most powerful tools Anderson uses to bring out the metaphor is Count Dracula from Bram Stoker's Dracula.

His blood thirst is compared with Daniel's thirst for oil. Like the Count, Daniel is shown as a secluded figure who operates from the shadows. To reach his goals, he is prepared to do anything, even if it means stepping on someone else. This image is the perfect showcase to highlight this recurring theme in the film. Daniel uses the phrase "I drink your milkshake" figuratively but it is mostly true in literal terms as well.

He has drained out all the oil from underneath Bandy's lands, leaving nothing for him or Eli. In hindsight, the title seems like the perfect way to describe Daniel's urge and ambition.


Arnav Srivastav hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.