20 Unluckiest Movie Characters Ever

1. The Old Prisoner - The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

dangit And so we finish our mission of misfortune with a minor Disney character. While this may seem anti-climactic, it probably is actually. Sorry. Who remembers The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Me too. Who remembers the old man who gets out of prison in The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Me neither. But then I did some research (asked friends) into the deep mire that is unfortunate characters in cinema and rediscovered this childhood favourite. Search for €˜hunchback of notre dame dang it€™ on YouTube, and, as well as all the funny looks from people nearby, you€™ll see this running gag of desperate adversity. Or just watch it below... The joke is, the old man gets out of a prison, shouting €˜I€™m free! I€™m free!€™ before accidentally trapping himself in another one seconds later and dejectedly muttering €˜dang it.€™ This is a joke that perfectly encapsulates the condition of the doomed cinematic character. If everyone in this list formed some sort of unfortunate union (The Adversity Alliance, maybe?), the old prisoner would be their leader, marching them from one place to the next while everyone constantly falls into holes and has pianos fall down on them from above. Here€™s to the unfortunates: whether they€™re would-be shrimp farmers dying in Vietnam or children being deafened in oil explosions, they€™re all saying dang it.
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