The Franchise: One of the most iconic sci-fi franchises in cinema history, starring Sigourney Weaver as the tenacious heroine Ellen Ripley, who faces off against a horde of relentless alien creatures known as Xenomorphs. The four core movies have collectively grossed $557.1 million, but that doesn't include two Alien vs. Predator spin-offs and the quasi-prequel Prometheus. Sequel Status: In February, District 9 director Neil Blomkamp confirmed that he had been appointed director for a fifth Alien movie, starring Weaver once again as Ripley, in what is expected to be a sequel to Aliens, somewhat ignoring the divisive third and fourth movies, even though Blomkamp has claimed this isn't the direct intention. Michael Biehn has reportedly also been approached to reprise his fan favourite role of Corporal Dwayne Hicks from Aliens. Why It Needs To Be The Last One: This is everyone's chance to give Ripley the ending she deserves after her rather fitting death in Alien 3 and idiotic, nonsensical cloning in Resurrection. Considering that there hasn't been a great Alien movie in almost 30 years, this has to be it: they need to put everything they have into making it work. How Likely Is It?: Blomkamp has already said that he has plans for more sequels, so don't hold your breath for Ripley getting a graceful exit, even though Weaver will be in her late 60s by the time Alien 5 starts filming, and probably in her 70s by the time a sixth movie would be ready to shoot. That said, it's all about the box office: will the fans turn up again after being burned by the last two core films in the series? Probably. 5/10. Which ongoing movie franchises desperately need to end? Shout it out in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.