20 Upcoming Movies That Are Going To Rock

2. Interstellar

Why It's Going To Rock: Christopher Nolan - duh! Christopher Nolan is something of a Hollywood God - one of those rare filmmakers capable of blending high concept ideas with a blockbuster touch, and his next movie, Interstellar, looks to be doing the same - and then some. Built around a plot focused on "intergalactic wormholes," and starring the legend that is now Matthew McConaughey (who thought we'd ever write that and actually mean it?), the actual story is being kept under wraps - probably for the best. Nolan made something of a misstep with The Dark Knight Rises, wrapping his third Batman movie in a blanket of plot holes and bizarre narrative ideas, but here's hoping that Interstellar arrives with the same level of praise and awesomeness that came coupled with the likes of Inception. Who are we kidding? It's bound to. Also great: brother Jonathan Nolan is on co-scripting duties, Hans Zimmer returns to write the score, and yes, Michael Caine will pop up, too, because of course he will.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.